Teaching risks at school

The CRISEPAC project is an initiative responding to the current consequences of climate change on European territories
For many years, climate change has concrete consequences. The episodes of major climatic events, such as floods, occur at most every two years. Each territory in Europe is different but they have the same problem: huge economic consequence as well as the impact on the populations after a natural disaster creating a major social crisis. The lack of preventive way of thinking concerning the citizens as well as the lack of management when these events occur, worsen the aforementioned consequences. Thus, we wanted to come together solicited by local populations and actors with all our differences and complementarities to create a real educational innovation to fill those gaps. Indeed, the prevention of risks, the management and the resilience of territories in the face of disasters concerns the skills of the European partners to prepare the part of the European population that lacks awareness.
The project is organised around three main objectives:
Creating and support campaign for education players to teach them about natural risks. Providing professionals to train about natural risk thanks to a platform, a MOOC or mapping.
Developing innovative teaching tools combining cross-disciplinary themes to teach children about natural risks. The result of this objective is to communicate list of online tools already existing and create a new tool for young people. Also, it is necessary to share knowledge with everyone through a booklet to involve European citizens.
Promoting of the local challenges of climate and strengthening the role of local communities in risk prevention through teaching and education for young people and adults. The result of this objective is to create a network of experts and teachers. The project aims at contibuting to a series of conferences and workshops about the natural risk management in schools in order to prevent a disaster. The target group of the project are teachers, and more precisely the ones involved in primary and secondary levels of education. Others educational professionals can be a part of it. For instance, headteachers, institutes, universities, college or other structure. Collectives, associations or competent local authorities with the educational competent can also be target.

Natural Risk
There exists a distinction between natural hazard, natural disaster and natural risk. The project focuses only on natural risk, but it may involve some of the other subjects depending on the context. For a better understanding, we encourage to read those definitions below from United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR):
Natural hazard: Natural hazards are predominantly associated with natural processes and phenomena. Hazards may be single, sequential or combined in their origin and effects. Each hazard is characterized by its location, intensity or magnitude, frequency and probability (UNDRR).
Natural disaster: Disaster is serious disruption of the functioning of a community or a society at any capacity, leading to one or more of the following: human, materiel, economic and environmental losses and impacts (UNDRR).
Natural risk: A risk is the probability if an outcome having a negative effect on people, systems, or assets. Risk is typically depicted as being a function of the combined effects of hazards, the assets or people exposed to hazard and the vulnerability of those exposed elements (UNDRR).
All together for the success of the project
Ecocène is a not-for-profit association based in Pau, France. Close to the scientific world, it aims to raise awareness of environmental issues. For over 20 years, a multi-disciplinary team has been working with schools, businesses and local authorities. The team propose action ideas and concrete solutions, adapted to local day-to-day practices. The main objective of Ecocène is to make everyone a little more aware, responsible and involved in the quality of their living environment in order to move towards concrete, local implementation of sustainable development.
EUROGEO (European Association of Geographers) is a European scientific society, with a European dimension, which networks geographers and those from related subjects (environment, planning, surveying, geotechnology) from all walks of life. EUROGEO is an international not-for-profit organisation, based in Belgium, which aims to develop, support and promote policies designed to advance the status of Geography; establish and promote cross-border cooperation; promote education and training in Geography from a European perspective and represent nationally and internationally the views of its members
Gulbene municipality is allocated in the North – East of Latvia in a remote and sparsely populated area. Territory of municipality consists of 13 parishes and Gulbene city administrative territory. The administrative center of the municipality is town Gulbene with ~ 7000 inhabitants, located 186km from capital Riga. The total number of inhabitants in Gulbene Municipality is ~ 19 000.
The Athens Lifelong Learning Institute has managed to establish a unique expertise in devising innovative learning and empowering methodologies that enable all people to actively participate in the social, political, cultural and economic life within their community. The guiding principle in the methodologies developed by the Athens Lifelong Learning Institute is to adapt existing systems and structures to the diversity of human needs – not the other way around.
Founded in 1979, Casa Do Professor is a distinguished social solidarity association in Portugal that gained the status of public utility organisation in 1999. With the support of 11,000 teachers (and their families) across all education levels, the organisation actively participates in socially oriented initiatives, scientific training, and cultural/recreational activities.

Do you want to learn more about natural risk? This is a right place!
Attractive and intuitive way to learn

CRISEPAC project offers an intuitive and attractive online tool called MOOC which has free access for teachers and education professionals. This MOOC is developed around 9 modules and videos that explore the theme of natural risk in Europe:
The module topics are:
Why is it needed and important to teach about risks and disasters in class
Definitions: Risks, Hazards, Disasters - Disasters related to Climate Change
Risk memory
Risk typology
Natural Risk, Natural Hazards and Natural Disasters
Man-made risk, Man-made hazards and Man-made Disasters
Consequences and Impact of Risk
Disaster Preparation and Disaster Prevention
Information and public preparedness
The CRISEPAC project combines many tools used in different European countries around natural risk and natural disaster subjects.
Teachers and educational professionals can have a free access and use them during their classes or training with young people.
All the project's partners participated to contribute to this state of the art which involved 4 countries: Greece, Latvia, France and Portugal.

Attractive and intuitive way to learn

This booklet presents the CRISEPAC strategy around the definition of natural risks in Europe.
It provides information and raises awareness to the subject of natural risks in a popularization of science like a workbook for children. This booklet is addressed to everyone and allows the dissemination of information to the whole family and not only students and teachers. It could be also used in class to guide the natural risk courses.
The first booklet and its correction is available online. Feel free to download them!

Where, when, and what natural risk are present within European territory?
CRISEPAC project offers different storymaps to show natural risks and natural disaster around European Union (EU). All the teachers or educational professionals can use those maps to complete their knowledge in their territory and adapt their courses of the local issues.
CRISEPAC project only refers to natural risks depending of the global warming like flood, wildfire, storm or coastal flood.
CRISEPAC: Climate Change and Natural Hazards in Europe https://arcg.is/184z99
Wildfires in Europe https://arcg.is/XLyva0
Floods and storms in Europe https://arcg.is/09Lara0